
A Selected Bibliography on Cessation of Nutrition and Hydration

Fordyce, M. 2000. Dehydration Near the End of Life. Annals of Long-term Care. 8(5):

Ganzini, L., et al. 2003. Nurses Experiences with Hospice Patients Who Refuse Food and
Fluids to Hasten Death. The New England Journal of Medicine. 349(4): 359-365.

Hughes, N. and R. D. Neal. 2000. Adults with Terminal Illness: A Literature Review of
Their Needs and Wishes for Food.! Journal of Advanced Nursing.!32(5): 1101-1107.

Kahn, M., et al. 2003. Allowing Patients to Die: Practical, Ethical, and Religious
Concerns. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 21(15): 3000-3002.

Justice, C. 1995. The “Natural” Death While Not Eating: A Type of Palliative Care in
Banaras, India. Journal of Palliative Care. 11(1): 38-42.

Lynn, J. and J. Harrold. 1999. A Handbook for Mortals. Guidance for People Facing
Serious Illness. Oxford University Press.

McCann, Robert M, William J. Hall, and Annmarie Groth-Juncker. 1994. Comfort Care
for Terminally Ill Patients: The Appropriate Use of Nutrition and Hydration. Journal of
the American Medical Association. 272(16): 1263-1266.

Quill, Timothy Quill. 2000. Responding to Intractable Terminal Suffering: The Role of
Terminal Sedation and Voluntary Refusal of Food and Fluids. Annals of Internal
Medicine.! 132: 403-414.

Terman, Stanley A. 2007. The Best Way to Say Goodbye: A Legal Peaceful Choice at the
End of Life. Carslbad, CA: Life Transitions Publications.